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생계/버크셔 해서웨이 주주서한4

Berkshire Hathaway's actions related to sustainability (2021 Annual Report, A-3 and A-4) To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.: Warren has asked me to provide a summary of Berkshire’s actions related to sustainability within its operating companies. The management of these actions is owned by Berkshire’s exceptional operating CEOs. Under their leadership, and with my support, many of Berkshire’s diverse businesses have developed sustainability frameworks and are independent.. 2022. 10. 24.
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. PROPERTY/CASUALTY INSURANCE (2021 Annual Report, A-5) Our property/casualty (“P/C”) insurance business has been the engine propelling Berkshire’s growth since 1967, the year we acquired National Indemnity and its sister company, National Fire & Marine, for $8.6 million. Today, National Indemnity is the largest P/C company in the world as measured by net worth. Insurance is a business of promises, and Berkshire’s ability to honor its commitments is .. 2022. 10. 19.
"버크셔는 미국의 인프라 자산에 투자합니다." Many people perceive Berkshire as a large and somewhat strange collection of financial assets. In truth, Berkshire owns and operates more U.S.-based “infrastructure” assets – classified on our balance sheet as property, plant and equipment – than are owned and operated by any other American corporation. That supremacy has never been our goal. It has, however, become a fact. 많은 사람들이 버크셔를 크고 다소 이상.. 2022. 10. 14.
버크셔 해서웨이 2021 주주서한 (Berkshire Hathaway INC. 2021 Shareholder letter) BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. *INC.: 주식회사(incorporated) To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.: Charlie Munger, my long-time partner, and I have the job of managing a portion of your savings. We are honored by your trust. *savings: 저축 Our position carries with it the responsibility to report to you what we would like to know if we were the absentee owner and you were the manager. We enjoy comm.. 2022. 10. 14.