인공지능에게 열반을 물으면 어떻게 대답할까?
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인공지능에게 초기불교와 열반을 물어보면 뭐라고 답할까?
Q. 초기불교에서 말하는 '열반'은 무엇이고, 어떻게 달성할 수 있을까?
초기 불교에서 '열반(十反)'은 고대 인도의 종교 전통인 불교에서 중요한 개념으로 제시되었습니다. 열반은 인간의 욕심과 소욕, 인간의 자기 중심적 생각과 감정을 제어하고, 완전한 자유로운 상태로 이끌어내는 과정을 의미합니다.열반을 달성하기 위해서는 절제와 자기제어가 중요합니다. 이를 위해서는 욕심과 소욕을 제어하고, 생각과 감정을 제어할 수 있는 순간을 찾아내고 이를 일으키는 연습을 할 수 있습니다. 이를 위해서는 일상 생활에서 욕심과 소욕을 차단하고, 자기 중심적 생각과 감정을 제어할 수 있는 연습을 하는 것이 중요합니다. 이는 일상적인 습관과 생활방식을 조정하는 것부터, 종교적 순간과 시간을 갖기 위한 실천까지 다양한 방법으로 이루
답변이 아쉽다.
부처님의 가르침은 단순한 금욕주의나 종교적 생활 등이 아니다.
chatGPT의 모국어는 영어다.
그럼 영어로 질문해보자.
Q. What is exact meaning of 'nirvana' in 'Early Buddhism', and how to accomplish 'nirvana'?
In Early Buddhism, the term "nirvana" refers to a state of complete liberation from suffering and the cycle of death and rebirth. It is a state of perfect peace, enlightenment, and freedom from all worldly desires and suffering.
To achieve nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path, which is a set of principles and practices that are believed to lead to the end of suffering. The Eightfold Path consists of right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. By following these principles, one can cultivate the wisdom and understanding needed to overcome suffering and achieve enlightenment.
In addition to following the Eightfold Path, one must also cultivate mindfulness, which is the ability to be fully present and aware in the present moment without judgment. This involves paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and actions in a non-reactive way. By cultivating mindfulness and following the Eightfold Path, one can gradually overcome suffering and achieve nirvana.
다른 사람(?)이 되었다.
1) 열반이 괴로움과 윤회, 갈애로부터의 자유를 의미한다는 것
2) 열반을 얻기 위한 수행 방법으로서의 팔정도
3) 팔정도를 따르기 위한 마음챙김의 중요성까지 말한다.
그렇다면 이 친구는 윤회를 뭐라고 설명할까?
Q. By the way, what is 'cycle of death and rebirth.' in Early Buddhism?
In Early Buddhism, the cycle of death and rebirth, also known as samsara, refers to the belief that all living beings are subject to a cycle of death and rebirth. According to this belief, after a being dies, their consciousness is reborn into a new body, either in this world or in another realm, depending on the actions and karmic patterns of the previous life. This cycle is believed to continue indefinitely until one attains enlightenment and breaks free from the cycle of suffering.
The cycle of death and rebirth is seen as a source of suffering because it is believed to involve being trapped in a cycle of repeated death and rebirth, with no permanent happiness or freedom. In Early Buddhism, the goal is to attain enlightenment and end this cycle of suffering by understanding the true nature of reality and letting go of craving and attachment.
The teachings on the cycle of death and rebirth are an important aspect of Early Buddhism, and are often discussed in relation to the Four Noble Truths, which are the fundamental teachings of the Buddha. The Four Noble Truths are: (1) suffering exists; (2) suffering arises from craving and attachment; (3) suffering can be overcome; and (4) the path to the end of suffering is the Eightfold Path.
1) 존재는 이 세계 혹은 다른 영역의 세계에 틈 없이 태어나며
2) 이 태어남은 전생의 업형성에 영향을 받는다는 것
3) 고통의 순환을 깨고 깨달음을 얻기까지 윤회는 계속된다는 것
4) 그리고 사성제도 언급한다.
팔정도는 뭐라고 설명할까?
Q. Can you explain 'The Eightfold Path' more precisely?
The Eightfold Path is a set of principles and practices that are central to the teachings of Early Buddhism. It is believed to be the way to end suffering and achieve enlightenment. The Eightfold Path consists of the following eight components:
Right Understanding: This involves understanding the true nature of reality, including the Four Noble Truths and the interdependent nature of all things.
Right Intention: This involves having a commitment to ethical and moral conduct, and a desire to free oneself and others from suffering.
Right Speech: This involves speaking truthfully and avoiding speech that is harmful or divisive.
Right Action: This involves acting in ways that are ethical and avoid causing harm to oneself or others.
Right Livelihood: This involves choosing a livelihood that does not involve causing harm or suffering to others, such as not engaging in work that involves killing or exploitation.
Right Effort: This involves making a sustained effort to cultivate good qualities such as generosity, compassion, and mindfulness, and to overcome negative qualities such as greed, hatred, and ignorance.
Right Mindfulness: This involves paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and actions in a non-reactive way, and developing a clear and stable mind.
Right Concentration: This involves developing the ability to focus and concentrate the mind, through practices such as meditation.
By following the Eightfold Path, one can gradually cultivate the wisdom and understanding needed to overcome suffering and achieve enlightenment.
다소 일반적이다.
아비담마에 근거하여 '지혜'에 대한 설명을 해주기를 요청해봤다.
Q. Can you explain exact meaning of 'wisdom' in 'abhidhamma' words?
In the teachings of the Abhidhamma, wisdom refers to a deep understanding of the true nature of reality. It is the understanding that all phenomena are impermanent, interconnected, and devoid of a permanent self or essence. This understanding is believed to lead to the end of suffering and the attainment of enlightenment.
In the Abhidhamma, wisdom is often associated with the understanding of the Four Noble Truths, which are the fundamental teachings of the Buddha. These truths are: (1) suffering exists; (2) suffering arises from craving and attachment; (3) suffering can be overcome; and (4) the path to the end of suffering is the Eightfold Path.
To cultivate wisdom, one must study and reflect on the teachings of the Buddha and practice mindfulness and concentration. This involves paying close attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment and developing a clear and stable mind. Through this practice, one can gradually develop the understanding and insight needed to see the true nature of reality and overcome suffering.
모든 현상이 무상이고 무아임을 말한다.
사성제도 언급하고, 마음챙김과 삼매를 닦으라고 한다.
그렇다면 초기불교를 공부하는 불자들도 가끔 헷갈려한다는 '마음챙김'은 아비담마적으로 어떻게 해설할까?
Q. Can you explain 'mindfulness' more precisely in abhidhamma words?
In the teachings of the Abhidhamma, mindfulness refers to the ability to be fully present and aware in the present moment without judgment. It involves paying close attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment and developing a clear and stable mind.
Mindfulness is an important practice in the Abhidhamma because it helps one to see the true nature of reality and overcome suffering. By paying attention to one's experience in the present moment, one can see that all phenomena are impermanent, interconnected, and devoid of a permanent self or essence. This understanding can help one to let go of craving and attachment, which are the root causes of suffering.
To cultivate mindfulness, one can practice techniques such as meditation, which involves focusing the mind on a single object or idea in order to quiet the mind and achieve a state of concentration. One can also practice mindfulness in daily life by paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and actions in a non-reactive way and developing a more mindful and present-moment awareness. Through these practices, one can gradually develop the ability to be mindful and present in the moment, which can help to overcome suffering and attain enlightenment.
다소 일반적이다. 아비담마로 설명해달라고 했는데.
사띠를 말하다보니 대념처경에 대해 어떻게 말할지 궁금해져서, 요약해달라고 했다.
Q. What is essence of 'mahasatipatthana sutta'?
The Mahasatipatthana Sutta, or "The Great Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness," is a Buddhist scripture that contains teachings on the practice of mindfulness. It is considered one of the most important texts in the Pali Canon, the collection of scriptures that form the basis of the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
The essence of the Mahasatipatthana Sutta is the practice of mindfulness, which is the ability to be fully present and aware in the present moment without judgment. The sutta teaches that mindfulness can be cultivated through the practice of paying attention to one's body, feelings, thoughts, and mental states in a non-reactive way.
The sutta also teaches the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, which are four areas of focus for mindfulness practice: the body, feelings, thoughts, and mental states. By paying attention to these areas of experience, one can cultivate a clear and stable mind and gain insight into the true nature of reality.
The Mahasatipatthana Sutta is often studied and practiced as a means of developing mindfulness, concentration, and insight, which are believed to be essential for overcoming suffering and attaining enlightenment.
마찬가지로 크게 인상깊은 부분은 없었다.
어떤 질문을 하는가는 세속의 삶에서 더더욱 중요해질 것이다.
바르게 사유하고 깊게 사유해야 좋은 질문을 던질 수 있다.
좋은 질문을 던지면 기술의 발달로 더 창의적인 해결책을 더 높은 효율성으로 달성할 수 있을 것이다.
수행에서의 질문은 더욱 중요하다.
법을 많이 듣고, 많이 반조하고, 많이 수행해야 좋은 질문이 나온다.
chatGPT에게는 모국어로 질문해야 좋은 답변이 나온 것처럼,
부처님이 설해주신 법과 율로 공부하고 수행해야 하는 우리는 더 높은 공부를 위해 빠알리어를 알아야 할 것이다.
고요한소리는 부처님 그분의 본래 가르침을 되살려 궁구하고, 실천하고, 선양하기 위해 설립되었습니다.
필자는 선배 도반께 빠알리어 공부를 어떻게 해야 하는지 이것 저것 여쭤보던 중 해당 강좌를 추천받고 수강하게 되었다.
필자의 선원 도반들에게도 2주 정도 전에 소식을 공유했었는데, 몇 분이 수강 신청을 하신 것으로 보인다.
물론 이 강좌를 추천해주신 선배 도반께서는 특정 강좌를 추천한다기보다 때가 맞아 추천해주신 것인데,
요즘 빠알리어를 배울 수 있는 곳이 많기 때문이라고 하셨다. 필자는 찾아보지 않았지만 유튜브 등에도 강좌가 많다고 한다.
부처님은 대반열반경에서 당신께서 가르치고 천명하신 법과 율을 스승으로 할 일을 다하라고 하셨다.
부처님과 직계 제자들의 원음은 빠알리어로 쓰여 있다.
대림스님과 각묵스님은 찬탄할만한 원력으로 빠알리 삼장을 번역하고 계신다.
향천선원의 지도법사이신 우 실라 사야도도, 한국으로 오신 미얀마 스님들도 테라와다 스승들의 지혜의 말씀을 나누어 주신다.
그런데 번역된 말로 우리는 부처님이 연민으로 설해주신 가르침을 모두 알 수 있을까?
아마 아닐 것이다.
원하는 만큼 빠알리어를 공부하고 활용해야 할 이유다.